Entrance Exams and Application
Please refer to Admission Index within the official website of the university.
Office of Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8571 Japan
Phone : +81-29-853-7716
Fax : +81-29-853-6143
Office of Doctoral Program in Philosophy | Phone:+81-29-853-4133 |
Office of Doctoral Program in History and Anthropology | Phone:+81-29-853-4403 |
Office of Doctoral Program in Literature and Lingustics | Phone:+81-29-853-4340 |
Office of Master's Program & Doctoral Program in Modern Languages and Cultures | Phone:+81-29-853-4425 |
Office of Master's Program & Doctoral Program in International Public Policy | Phone:+81-29-853-6795 |
Office of Master's Program in International Area Studies | Phone:+81-29-853-4593 |
Office of Doctoral Program in International and Advanced Japanese Studies | Phone:+81-29-853-4037 |
We cannot reply to any question about personal information of faculty and students (e-mail address, etc.).