The Transnational European and East Asian Culture and History (TEACH) Program is a dual degree program based on a new concept for graduate students in the master’s program of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences. TEACH aims to equip students with a high level of language skills and the ability to negotiate across cultures. The program seeks to foster students with broad knowledge and the ability to penetrate issues with deep insight and then communicate that insight. The program is jointly administered by the University of Tsukuba in Japan, the University of Bonn in Germany and Korea University in South Korea. In addition to the university where the student is enrolled (home school), he/she will receive a master’s degree from one of the participating universities (first host school). TEACH students take classes at their home school during the first semester immediately after entering the program, and the subsequent three semesters are spent traveling among the three universities. Students enrolled in TEACH conduct their research in a period of two years, and receive two master’s degree (dual degree) upon graduation.
For details, please visit the following website: (Japanese) (German)